Mandt System® – Part 1
June 17th, 2019 Posted by
Date(s) - 06/17/2019
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Howry Residential Services - Rochester Office
Affirm your feelings and choose your behaviors™
Over the multiple decades that The Mandt System, Inc has been partnering with staff teams and organizations around the globe there has been one constant experience to which we invariably return. That is that the perspective on how to meet the differing priority needs of safety for all constituents in an organization will never be fully aligned. Nor should that be a surprise, as people in different roles have different needs. One commonality though is the need for safety. When all the stakeholders in an organization can say that “in this place and with these people, I feel safe™” then, and only then, can they begin the process of recovering from previous threats to their safety such as abuse, neglect, and the loneliness that pervades individuals served in human service programs.
Service Users will rightly have their own perspective about what safety means. Front line staff their, managers and administrators have their own unique perspectives on the emotional, physical, and psychological safety all people need. In recognition of this and to reflect on the legitimate lenses through which different parties will seek solutions, you will see the navigation of this site is organized to address the different perspectives of safety needs. When stress occurs, the normal responses to stress of flight or fight must be countered with an approach that validates that stress and teaches all people how to interact with each other with dignity and respect. The Mandt System® formula to achieve this is to promote the concept of “affirm your feelings, and choose your behaviors™.” By using this approach, people can de-escalate themselves and find new ways to cooperate with each other in finding safety for all people.
This said we maintain and continue to promote a commitment toward Restraint Reductionand Restraint Elimination by achieving the ultimate goal of The Mandt System® – to build healthy relationships in the workplace between all people.
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