28 Days of Kindness
February 01st, 2019 Posted by
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop, the Greek storyteller, often used this theme as the moral of many of his stories or fables. This sentiment has been picked up numerous times by others with Alexander the Great declaring, “Whatever possessions we gain by the sword cannot be sure or lasting, but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable.” Even Franklin D. Roosevelt asserted that “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not need to be cruel to be tough.” Therefore, during the month of February, we are challenging our readers to 28 Days of Kindness. Below you will find a list of 28 ideas; however, feel free to come up with your own. If you want to track your progress have fun doing it on social media and tag your photos with – #28daysofkindness
28 Days of Kindness Ideas
- Write a poem for a far-away relative or friend
- Leave a “Thank You” note for your garbage/recycler collector
- Leave encouraging notes in books in your library…don’t give away the endings though!
- Make personalized and encouraging placemats for family/friends
- Tell three friends something specific you like about them
- Transform something in your recycling bin into a piece of art
- Tape quarters to a vending machine
- Leave a “Thank You” note for your mail carrier
- Create and send a video note to someone you haven’t seen in a while
- Leave a treat and a note near a Redbox
- Fight hunger with games at FreeRice.com
- Do something special for the person nearest you
- Bake or buy treats for a neighbor
- Offer to pick up groceries for a neighbor
- Hang a homemade birdfeeder
- Create art and send it to ColorASmile.org
- Over dinner, ask and answer: Who did you help today? Who helped you?
- Offer to shovel for a neighbor
- Apologize to someone. Forgive yourself
- Talk to someone new; make a new friend
- Count the items in your fridge and donate that many quarters to charity
- Take a walk and pick up liter on the way
- Go out for cocoa and pay for the person behind you
- Let someone go in front of you in line
- Hold open the doors for people
- Walk a neighbor’s dog
- Learn to say “hello” in a different language to different people
- Let someone else pick what to watch on TV
- Offer compliments to a friend or stranger